
Jonathon Rosen

Artist | Illustrator

Jonathon Rosen’s work revolves around permutations and extrapolations of bio-mechanical and carnivalesque. Rosen is very interested in but not limited to the ever-merging of humans and machines, with machines as a metaphor for human behavior.

  • 1_ApartmentThunder-web

    Apartment Thunder

    Music from David Toop’s CD Black Chamber (Sub Rosa). 

    Musicians: David Toop, Tom Recchion.

    Animation / Editing / Direction: Jonathon Rosen


    Project Video

  • 2_Chinesehackers-web

    Chinese Hackers

    Time Magazine, Jan 2008; An army of Chinese hackers target American military and infrastructure.

  • 3_Hierarchy_of_domesticbliss-web

    The Hierarchy of Domestic Bliss, 2010

    Acrylic on canvas. 71″ x 46″ 

    The person on top may or may not be the figure in charge.

    A facsimile was reproduced in THE BELIEVER.

  • 4_personality_disorders-web

    Thinking clearly about personality disorders

  • 5_aztecs-web

    Gothic Aztecs

    Long after a bloody Aztec invasion of Gothic Europe, a young European Aztec girl, rebelling against her Aztec ancestry, becomes a newly initiated member of the last cult of the Devil. Gotik Aztéques is a mix of live-action & animation, commissioned by the French publishing collective Le Dernier Cri as a segment for their animation compilation “Les Religions Sauvage”. 

    Project Video